Friday, August 20, 2010

Shed All You Excess Weight Within a Week's Time


By Luisa Brown

You all can lose weight in just a week only if you have the right motivation and determination. Your body type, height does not really mater. You only need to follow a few necessary guidelines in order to be able to lose weight and look good. You could actually wear that dress of yours again and go for a party in just a week's time. All you need to do is maintain a balance.
Your body has a high amount of water weight. So the first thing you need to do while planning to lose weight in a week is losing water weight. The following are some ways that you can use to quickly lose weight in a week.
1. The most beneficial way to lose water weight is by drinking more and more water. You may think that losing water weight will require you to stop drinking water but it has been proven that if you drink more water, your body releases the excess weight. And that is what you are trying to do. With more water, the water weight in your body starts decreasing substantially. Thus, drink lots of water. The ideal amount is about 1.8 liters. Drinking more water will result in glowing skin. So lose weight and look good by drinking water.
There are a number of things that you need to avoid in order to be able to lose weight in a week. You should think of what you need to eat but you also need to give importance to what you should avoid eating. If you know what you have to avoid, your brain will ring an alarm when you think of grabbing those items which are banned for you:
A. Avoid soda. Soda results in the increase of weight. If you want to lose weight in a week, avoid drinking sodas completely. All aerated drinks have drinking soda. So soda is entering your body in some way or the other. Switch to lime water.
B. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Do not avoid it. It provides you with the energy and strength you need to carry out the daily functions of your life.
C. Drinks like tea, coffee or alcohol contain caffeine and thus result in weight gain. These drinks dehydrate the body and lead to loss of water.
D. It is VERY important to avoid cheese burgers, pizzas, pasta and all those fatty foods which contain a high amount of calories. Ice-creams and butter should also be avoided.
If you want to know more exercises, more about low calorie food, and more on ways to help you shed excess weight in a week, Check out my website.

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